John Salazar

Data Professional specializing in Python, SQL, and Tableau

NBA Shot Data

A GUI for visualizing player shot data for any season post-2015.
Users can create Heatmaps, Shot Charts, Bar Charts, and more for NBA players.
The comparison tool allows users to quickly inspect similar players found through KMeans clustering

Zillow Listing

I extracted, cleaned, and analyzed the Zillow listing data for 4 major cities in Minnesota with the goal of answering questions such as:

  • Which listing features have the strongest correlations with price?
  • How many listings in each city have decreased from the original asking price?

for Medical Abstracts

Medical abstracts can often be unstructured and difficult to read. The objective for this project was to create a model for classifying sentences as part of the Objective, Background, Methods, Results, or Conclusions section of the document to improve comprehension.

Bean Leaf
Disease Classifier

I fine-tuned a Vision Image Transformer model to take in an image of a bean leaf and predict whether it is healthy or diseased. After training the model and achieving 96% accuracy, I created a Gradio web-application for users to classify their own images!

Glaucoma Detection

Calculating cup-to-disc is a manual task for a professional that could be improved and made more consistent with deep learning. In this project, I used 2 popular pre-trained neural networks (EfficientNet and VGG16) along with regularization through image augmentation and Dropout layers to detect glaucoma in fundus images.